
Best Editing

Fill Up. Pour Out. – Block 10 Saturday, April 25th, 6:25 – 9:15 PM

  • DIRECTOR: Marc Havener
  • PRODUCER: Marc Havener
  • LEAD SUBJECTS: Jon Stewart, Lindsay Elliot, Jenny Maciasziek
  • TEAM/STUDIO: Resonate Pictures
  • RT: 10 min
  • TYPE OF FILM: Documentary
  • SYNOPSIS: He who waters will himself be watered. A health clinic takes this proverb seriously by re-defining what health care looks like in its community. Rather than prescribing treatment based on reimbursement systems, they are finding ways to meet the underlying needs of patients by focusing on wellness. What they discover is the impact helping others has on themselves, and what it means to be truly satisfied. Set in Lawrence, KS, this film looks into what motivates three health care workers driven to serve their patients inside a complicated system, and reshape the way care is given, irregardless of background or circumstances. Serving others and unconditional love are strong themes within the film.

Films of Block 10