“Man Of Steel” opened a few weeks ago. I have already seen it twice and will definitely go back for a third or maybe even fourth screening. Why? Why see it so many times, you may ask? I’ll tell you why. This film contains so many New and Old Testament references, images, parables, themes, and ideas, it’s unreal. And I want to study them and soak them in. I want to be able enter into a dialogue about the Gospel with others (believers and non believers) by simply asking, “Hey, have you seen the movie Man of Steel, yet?”

This is such a friendly, conversational question. But it is potentially life changing. See, I believe that films can open a dialogue that is deep, meaningful, and points to the Gospel. Man Of Steel stands out as one of the best films for this purpose in a long time. Now granted, I am film/theatre person by degrees and by my love of the field. And I admit to being a nerd about stuff like this. But film and theatre are the visual representation of our culture’s stories. What better story is there to tell than the Gospel? And in Man of Steel, it is right in front of the audience.

Superman has long been known as a Christ figure. And the production team (Zach Synder and Christopher Nolan) fully embrace this in their amazing film. From the beautiful image of Superman’s outstretched arms as he floats above the Earth, to lines such as, “You can save her. You can save them all. You can be the bridge between us and them.” It’s just wonderful stuff.

Sure the movie has its issues. But this film can really engage others and help others relate to the Gospel and to the personhood of Christ. And since this is the mission of TAFF and what I love to do, I really have share this stuff. Because, if I don’t, it weighs heavily upon my heart as a missed opportunity to share the Gospel.

Here is an example of what I am talking about. I was standing in line at the grocery store the other day and the cashier is waiting for her change tray. There were three of us waiting to check out. To break the obvious mounting tension, I ask the woman “So, have you seen “Man of Steel yet?” Her faced brightened and we began discussing the film. She had tons of questions about it. And as I tried to answer them, the other folks in line joined the discussion. One woman, who really liked the film, went to town with the images and symbolism of the film. The other offered that how as a society whenever we feel threatened our movies tend to lean toward superheroes saving the world. And why in the world would we do that? To which I responded, (after I recovered from the shock of such a clear and precise salvation question) “Be . . . cause people need a Savior.” It was the best grocery store trip, ever!

God was right there in that line with us!! Ice cream was melting, apples were rotting and we are having an invigorating discussion on the Christian images and symbolism of Man of Steel! Really?! Awesome!

So all that to say, see the film, Really see the film. Understand the story it is attempting to tell and then prepare yourself. Be prepared to talk about it as a parable of the Gospel. Be prepared to honestly answer questions about how Superman points to Christ and the Gospel and how the theme of sacrificial love is exhibited in every lead character. Dig deep and then be ready. All it takes is the friendly question, “Hey, have you seen Man of Steel yet?”


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